How Landify Works
Sign up to our free monthly newsletter and start browsing farming partnership opportunities
Browse listings each month from:
Farming businesses open to exploring lease, equity or ownership arrangements with next generation farmers
Next generation farmers, looking for lease, equity or ownership opportunities in farming
Investors open to backing existing or future family farming operations
Expect to see our newsletter in your inbox the third week of every month.
Enquire about listings, and make a Landify Bio to support your enquiries
By enquiring about a listing, you'll be contacted by the Landify team to have a chat. We'll then encourage you to complete a Landify Bio we can submit to the listing party.
This Bio captures:
Your business experience (where relevant) and goals
Your motivations for exploring possible partnerships
What you are looking for in a partnership
Your key values
The trusted advisors you are working with
Where relevant, your equity level
The information you provide us in the Bio is kept confidential, unless you choose to release it to potential partners.
Learn more about why we require verification
Become Verified (a paid member) to be contactable by others and make your own listing
If a listing party wants to contact you, you'll need to Become Verified for us to make the connection.
Once verified, you can also make an anonymous listing, briefly sharing what your situation is and the kinds of partnerships you're willing to explore.
Each listing is live for 12 months, or until you remove it.
Receive regular feedback about the number of views your listing has had
Be notified when a member wants to enquire about your listing. View their bio and decide whether you would like to contact them. You can remain anonymous until then.
Agents or advisors can engage and make listings on behalf of their clients.
Already a verified member?
Receive enquiries and be supported to connect with potential partners
As listers receive enquiries and review the bio's of those people enquiring, they can choose whether to make contact with them or not.
We strongly recommend an independent facilitator is involved if parties choose to connect.
We also strongly recommend all parties take their time and get independent advice when considering possible farming partnerships. We're building a database of service providers who specialise in this area.
If you or your firm would like to be listed in our database, contact us.